We have strong, sharedshared values values
to guide everyone
of us.

We have strong, sharedshared values values
to guide everyone
of us.

we develop and produce a vast range of products with very diverse qualities of circular knitwear. The production activity is basically dedicated to garments in 3 main sectors: knitwear and home textiles.
To effectively develop and produce knitwear and fashion articles which meet the demands of each client.
We are a team. Our values are so important for us today as they were at the start and along our journey of growth.
To be on the cutting edge of technical textiles with a proactive R&D department. To provide with brands added value which combine the aesthetics of the product with the quality of the materials.
We develop and produce a vast range of products with very diverse qualities of circular knitwear. We are dedicated to garments in 3 main sectors: knitwear and home textiles.
To be on the cutting edge of technical textiles with a proactive R&D department. To provide with brands added value which combine the aesthetics of the product with the quality of the materials.
To effectively develop and produce knitwear and fashion articles which meet the demands of each client.
We are a team.
Our values are so important for us today as they were at the start and along our journey of growth.

By speeding up our transition to the use of recycled materials incentivised by new technological advances in the recycling of textiles made from mixtures of materials on an industrial scale, we have established a point of reference for the increase in use of the recycled materials we use.
Associação Voluntariado do Hospital Vila Nova de Famalicão
Amigos das Crianças do Hospital de Santo António
(ex-Rainha Maria Pia)
Aquário Vasco da Gama
Associação ASAS – Santo Tirso
Associação Cultural Banda de Música de Riba de Ave
Associação Cultural e Recreativa de S. Pedro de Riba de Ave
Associação de Busca e Salvamento – Riba de Ave
Associação Humanitária dos Bombeiros Voluntários Riba de Ave
Associação Novo Futuro – Rastrilho
Biblioteca Camilo Castelo Branco – Polo de Riba de Ave
Casa Ronald Mc Porto (Hospital Joãozinho)
Centro de Coordenação Região Centro de Portugal – Incêndios Centro Social de Guardizela – Gmr
Centro Social de Riba de Ave
Centro Social Riba de Ave
Coração da Cidade (Apoio aos sem abrigo-Porto)
Creche e Jardim de Infância de Serzedelo
Festa das Cruzes - Serzedelo
Festa de Santa Ana – Paró
quia de Oliveira S. Mateus
Festa S. Bartolomeu – Serzedelo
Festa Senhora do Rosário de Riba de Ave
Festa S. José – Paróquia de S. Mateus
IPO / Liga Portuguesa Contra Cancro - Porto
Lar André Almeida (Freamunde)
Lar da Tranquilidade – Vila das AvesLiga
Portuguesa Contra Cancro
Misericórdia Riba de Ave / Hospital
Narciso Ferreira (CIDIFAD) Paróquia de S. Pedro de Riba de Ave